Advanced Materials for Electrochemical Energy Storage
06/27/2024 Dr. Han was selected for an inaugural ARPA-E IGNIITE Award to support his research on advanced solid-state batteries for advanced air mobility.
05/16/2024 Two PhD students, Bowen Shao and Yonglin Huang, and one MS student, Julian Pena, graduated. Congratulations!
11/15/2023 Dr. Han was selected as a 2023 Highly Cited Researcher in Cross-Field by Clarivate.
11/14/2023 Bowen successfully defended his PhD defense. Congratulations Bowen.
10/06/2023 Sara received the 2023 Founders Award of Excellence which honors about 1% of the student population at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
08/31/2023 Ratnottam passed his DQE exam. Congratulations Ratnottam!
08/25/2023 Sara Seelman was selected as one of the CMDIS Corning Undergraduate Research Scholars. Look forward to the collaboration with Corning on glass and glass-ceramic solid electrolytes.
08/20/2023 Ruixin Wu joined our group as a Ph.D. student, Alisha Toporski as an M.S. student, and Julian Pena as an M. Eng. student. Welcome Ruixin, Alisha, and Julian!
07/10/2023 Our paper on solution synthesis of solid electrolytes is featured in the "Journal of Materials Chemistry A Emerging Investigators" Themed Collection.
06/02/2023 Keng Xu joined our group as a Ph.D. student. Welcome, Keng!
01/11/2023 Ruihao passed his DQE exam. Congratulations Ruihao!
01/10/2023 Our research group received the NSF CAREER award from the Division of Materials Research - Ceramics program.
01/09/2023 Ratnottam Das joined our group as a PhD student. Welcome Ratnottam!.
11/15/2022 Dr. Han was selected as a 2022 Highly Cited Researcher in Cross-Field by Clarivate.
11/08/2022 Dr. Han delivered a talk "Solidifying Batteries for Safe Energy Storage" at the 3M Tech Forum of Automotive Electrification. Thanks for the invitation!
08/29/2022 Ruihao Deng joined our group as a Ph.D. student. Welcome, Ruihao!
07/20/2022 Dr. Han delivered a talk at the International Conference on Solid State Ionics's Young Scientist Award competition session.
07/14/2022 Our research group received an award from NSF's Solid State and Materials Chemistry program to study the nucleation and growth of dendrites in solid electrolytes.
06/10/2022 Dr. Han was awarded the Electrochemical Society Electrodeposition Division Early Career Investigator Award.
09/17/2021 Toby Zhang joined our group as a high school student researcher. Welcome, Toby!
02/26/2021 Saurav Bavdekar joined our group as a high school student researcher. Welcome, Saurav!
01/25/2021 Zain Gill joined our group as an undergraduate researcher. Welcome, Zain!
10/23/2020 Dr. Han gave a presentation "Solid Electrolytes for Safe and Energy-Dense Batteries" at the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Syracuse University. Thanks for the invitation.
09/18/2020 We are excited to be part of a team (led by UCSD) for an ARPA-E IONICS project entitled "Self-Forming Solid-State Batteries".
08/31/2020 Aisha Imtiaz and Jiaqi Lian joined our group as undergraduate researchers. Welcome, Aisha and Jiaqi!
02/24/2020 Dr. Yan Xu joined our group as a research assistant. Welcome, Yan!
02/22/2020 Han group attended the Rensselaer's 20th Black Families Technology Awareness Day. We look forward to showcasing our research at this event.
01/21/2020 Bowen and Yonglin completed the Departmental Qualifying Exam (DQE). Congratulations!
10/18/2019 Priti and Mukesh Chatter visited RPI and shared their vision of helping two billion people. Thank you Priti and Mukesh for the generous support!
10/16/2019 A postdoctoral position on solid-state batteries is available in our group. Please send your CV to Dr. Han if interested.
10/16/2019 Two Ph.D. students from MANE joined our group. Welcome, Bowen and Yonglin!
08/16/2019 We are seeking highly motivated undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral researchers to join our group.
08/16/2019 Dr. Han formally joined MANE as an assistant professor and Priti and Mukesh Chatter '82 Career Development Chair